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CREAMY CHIILI CHICKEN PASTA WITH CRÈME FRAICHE. INGREDIENTS: Tagliatelle pasta (or your favourite pasta) 1/2 Medium onion, finely diced 2 garlic cloves, finely sliced 1 cup, cooked, frozen diced chicken (I got mine from Iceland 1 fresh chilli, de-seeded, sliced 1 fresh chilli, de-seeded, sliced. 3 Tbsp. Low fat crème fraiche 8 baby plum tomatoes (or cherry tomatoes), halved. 1/2 cup frozen peas 1/2 chicken stock cube 200ml warm water Fresh chopped parsley Low fat spray oil (fry light) Salt…

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Slim-Friendly Mushroom Risotto

When eating a good risotto, it is very easy to feel like it’s a very indulgent dish and usually, it’s with good reason too as risotto is generally made with the finest olive oils, lashings of butter and of course, let’s not forget that good splash or two of good quality white wine. Given those reasons, you would be right to feel that this is not the healthiest dish to be eating if you are on a diet or a…

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Slimming World Leek and Potato Soup

Slimming World Leek and Potato Soup. Super easy to make, really tasty and in a soup bowl within 30 minutes. Ingredients: 4 large leeks, chopped 1 large onion, diced 2 large potatoes, peeled and diced 1 litre vegetable stock 1 Tsp. garlic powder Salt Pepper Freshly chopped parsley, to serve Method: Place all of the ingredients (except the parsley) into a large pan. Bring to a boil, cover and reduce to a simmer for 20 minutes. Blend until smooth with…

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Slow Cooker Highland Beef Stew

When the leaves start to fall and the cool, dark autumn months start to take hold, there is nothing better than snuggling up together on a warm sofa, with your favorite box set and a warm hearty stew to fill your belly. The best way to make a good stew is low and slow, low in heat and long in cooking time so it makes perfect sense to get out the slow cooker and settle into the flavour-bursting slow cooking…

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Light Masala Vegetable Quiche

So, I am finally getting back in the zone and of course more importantly, “back on plan”. As it is absolutely essential that you plan your meals, not forgetting to make some snack foods to help keep on track during those times when you feel like you are lagging. I am starting with a new Crustless Lightly Spiced Masala Vegetable Quiche. Having a low-fat crustless quiche on hand in the fridge is a great way to help take away hunger…

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